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 Solutions - becoming your best self. 

Uncover your unique self, see your self-doubt drop away and step into your version of happiness and wellbeing, your natural state!

Shed your self-doubt, and step into your your natural state!

If it sounds too good to be true, then you're in the right place. All transformations have to start somewhere, and that place is exactly where you are right now.

As you read these words, notice if you have a conversation going on in your head. One part of you might be curious and eager to learn more, while another part may be sceptical, telling you it's all nonsense and won't work.

But let me assure you, positive change is possible. You just have to be willing to explore the possibilities and take the first step. And that's where I come in.

Together, we can uncover your true self and unleash your full potential. So read on and discover what's possible for you.

Sandra Goodman

Are you ready to rediscover your happiness and wellbeing and transform your life? As an energy coach and mentor, I'm here to guide you on that journey.

The first step is to look inside and decide that you want to reconnect with your inner self.

Together, we'll explore how to understand the messages that your internal navigation system is constantly giving you. We'll make sense of why you do what you do and discover how to point yourself towards the path of happiness and wellbeing.

With my guidance and support, you'll gain the tools and insights you need to transform your life from the inside out.

So, are you ready to take that first step towards a happier, more fulfilling life? Let's begin the journey together.

If you prefer to learn from books, check out my new book #The Happiness Myths - Happiness is not what you THINK it is  available on amazon or download our free coaching guide.

Learn more





Sandra Goodman

Soul Realignment readings to get back in touch with the real you

Do you feel like you've lost touch with your true self? Are you struggling to make choices that feels right for you? A Soul Realignment reading could be the key to getting back in touch with the real you.

As human beings, we are all unique, with our own personal design and blueprint. These readings will reveal the characteristics that make you who you are, giving you valuable insight into your true self.

When you're aligned with your true self, everything flows more easily. You'll feel more energized, fulfilled, and connected to the world around you. But when you go against your natural design, you create a sense of separation within yourself, leading to feelings of being stuck or weighed down.

By understanding your personal design, you'll gain the tools you need to make choices that align with your true self and live a more fulfilling life. Are you ready to discover the real you? Book a personal insights reading today.

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Reiki Level one and two manuals

Teaching the system of Reiki to rebalance your energy and reconnect to your innate wellbeing

The system of reiki is more than a hands-on healing technique it another doorway to support your journey back home to your natural self. It provides a solid foundation and a framework to build on. It is one of the few methods that gives you full access to all of it's benefits even at the level 1 stage. 

For those who choose to progress to levels 2, Level 3a Reiki Master Practitioner  and 3b Reiki Master Teacher, there is no timescale, no requirement to do so, yet so many of my students decide they wish to take their level of understanding even deeper and I am there as their reiki master teacher to accompany them on that journey.

Learn more about my in person courses at Navitas Centre Crewe

Traditional Japanese Reiki

In addition to teaching Western Reiki above both online and in person, I also run an in person course at Navitas Centre to teach the Traditional Japanese Reiki, it is a more spiritual based training involving regular personal Reiki practices. Download the guide now and click the link above to visit the latest Navitas Events page to view availability. 

Want to journey alone to begin with? If so my book will be your companion

#The Happiness Myths by Sandra Goodman

If you prefer to journey alone initially, "#The Happiness Myths" will be your guide. Question the conventional wisdom around happiness and challenge the status quo. Peel back the layers of misconceptions that shroud our understanding of joy.

Ready for a transformational voyage of self-discovery? Empower yourself to redefine happiness on your terms with "#The Happiness Myths." It's a daring re-examination of the myths that shape our lives.

Prepare for a paradigm shift. Confront truths, embrace a new definition of happiness, and see the world through a different lens with "#The Happiness Myths."

Buy now
Free yourself from the inside out

Know yourself, Free yourself package to clear thought and behaviour patterns that keep you stuck

Testimonial from Izabela K. spoken by an avatar as Isabela did not wish to appear on camera. The words are all hers. 

Are you feeling stuck in patterns of thought and behavior that seem impossible to break free from? Do you wish you could understand yourself better and make choices that align with your true self? If so, the Know Yourself, Free Yourself package is for you!

This powerful combination of personal insights and energy coaching will help you learn the language of your inner messages and clear away the patterns that keep you feeling stuck. You'll gain valuable insight into your unique personal design and learn how to put that knowledge into practice in your daily life.

As you clear away old thought and behavior patterns, you'll start to feel more energized, fulfilled, and connected to the world around you. Opportunities that were once hidden will start to appear, and you'll have the confidence to take action on them.

It's time to break free from what's been holding you back and step into the life you were meant to live. Book the Know Yourself, Free Yourself package today and start your journey towards a more fulfilling life!

Download Guide
Know yourself free yourself
Reiki Sound Bath

Reiki Sound Bath

A Reiki Sound Bath aims to create an atmosphere of healing and peace.

So, whether you've tried countless ways to find relaxation or you're a newbie looking for a unique approach, consider this your backstage pass into the world of tranquillity wrapped in mystique called Reiki Sound Bath—where sound is not just heard, but felt, and where healing transcends the physical realm.

After all, in a world that never stops making noise, isn't it refreshing to immerse in a symphony of sounds that heals? Isn't it about time you tuned into the harmony within?

Learn more

Discover Your Next Adventure

Are you ready to embark on a journey filled with excitement and learning? Dive into our events page to uncover unique experiences that will enrich your life and expand your horizons. Click below to explore upcoming events and secure your spot in our vibrant community of like-minded individuals. Your next great adventure awaits!

Events page

Check out my Instagram posts

Instagram where less is more, take a look

Let's see if we should work together.

  • You know you want to do something but don't know what or where to start?

  • You want to be able to talk to someone before committing to anything.

  • You want the flexibility to invest in yourself up-front or on a pay-as-you-go basis.

  • You want to decide frequency of sessions

  • I can help you to explore what options are available? 

  • A FREE no obligation 30 minute discovery call is part of the service I provide.

  • We can discuss your requirements and find a solution that works for both of us.

  • As the client you can choose the frequency of sessions. 

Sandra Goodman

You are ready for things to start falling in place — for you!

There comes a time when doing nothing is not an option. An inner drive or knowing, the situation you find yourself in has to change.

You feel ready to make a commitment to yourself now, to make a difference to the quality of your life and rediscover your happiness and well-being. 

The time for excuses and hoping things will improve on their own has passed. Taking personal responsibility and investing in yourself makes sense.

Book a Discovery Call

Client Testimonials

With❤️from clients

""I have been fortunate enough to complete all of my Reiki training at the Navitas. My special thanks goes out to Sandra: I studied my Level 1, Reiki development and my L3 teacher training with Sandra. Sandra's energy, knowledge and professionalism shine through. Nothing is too much trouble and I take comfort in knowing that she is there to fully support me on My journey and beyond 🙏 thank you Sandra"

Nicola Stewart"

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