Why we fail to achieve goals?

Why we fail to achieve goals?

Nov 25, 2022

We all have big ideas, possibilities we entertain in our thinking and would love to bring to life. Once the idea is seeded, we begin to take actions to move towards the goal. Imagine how many moving parts there are energetically to enable a goal to manifest? There may be other people, finances, expertise and equipment and the list goes on. What is rarely mentioned is how important our own energy vibration is to the manifestation of any goal.

Energetically in order to bring a goal into existence it is essential we resonate with the energy of the goal having been achieved. In other words, how will we physically and emotionally FEEL inside ourselves when the goal is fulfilled? This ingredient is essential to consider, as the physical vibration of the body acts like a magnet, pulling the goal towards us, as we take actions to move towards the goal.

Energetically focussing more on the WHAT of the goal rather than expending too much energy on the HOW is more likely to shift our vibration inside. We then look out for the opportunities presented in our external experience that move towards the goal and maximise them.

Holding the ultimate goal lightly, in other words allowing it to evolve based on the opportunities being presented is the most effective and effortless way of achieving it. The result may look different to what was held in the minds eye, but it is all about the vibration. If it FEELS right, it is right.

A frequent mistake is to hold the goal so tightly, that it is very difficult or even impossible to manifest in the required form. Our focus is so closed, we miss the opportunities being presented, because they don't perfectly match our expectations and this is a route to feelings of lack and doubt to creep in, which may result in us failing to achieve the goal.