Understand your energy and transform your life

Understand your energy and transform your life

Nov 25, 2022

The world can appear a very complex and chaotic place this is in part due to the amount of freely available information we all have access to not just about family and friends, but about our community, our country and the world at large. It is easy to get caught up and feel powerless when so much is happening and we have no control over any of it.

The one thing we do have a significant say in, is who we are being in any moment and what we choose to do! We feel the world though the vehicle of our own bodies, via our thoughts and emotions. Energetically learning to take responsibility for the engagement and subsequent energetic vibration of our thoughts as they transform internally into emotions is a really positive way of changing the way we FEEL about ourselves and being more aware of when we are projecting onto others.

Learning to understand our internal navigation system, that everyone has access to, can make a huge difference to our level of happiness and well-being. It is interesting to watch how those around us appear to change when we transform within ourselves. We are not necessarily doing anything different, but we are being different when in their company. This ripple affect contributes positively to humankind.