The positivity train has left the building!
Over recent years so much emphasis has been placed on being positive and by doing so, we will attract good things. I am sure I am not alone in doing my best to be positive, yet I don't always attract good things, why?
Well, the missing part of the equation is the understanding of how our energy is working within us. For a start if you say something positive, but feel rubbish inside as you say it, then the vibration of the statement as you say it also resonates with the low rubbish feeling you have inside. As energy is magnetic, it attracts like vibrations, therefore when you put the energy of rubbish feelings out, you will get rubbish low vibration results back!
Inside everyone of us we hold the essence of the energy vibrations of all our experiences. When bad things have happened that stopped us in our tracks, we may have locked them away inside, kind of put them in prison and we carryon with our life, feeling safe that those uncomfortable feelings are locked away. In effect we build our life around the bad experience, cutting our connection with that part of ourselves.
Putting part of ourselves in prison, will not help us heal and it means we carry that low vibration energy with us wherever we go, whether we consciously admit to it or not, it may be a heaviness or dark feeling always lurking there inside. We are designed to be a whole and complete representation of love, yet those parts of ourselves we cannot love, we shun, ignore, talk down to or get angry with might be locked away, but the human design will offer opportunities for that prison to be unlocked, so the energy can be freed, reconnect with us to make us whole.
What this may look like for example is attracting another partner who has the same negative traits as a past partner and treats you just as badly. Energetically, trying to free the stuck part of yourself, however, behaving the same way you did the first time, simply keeps that door to the prison locked, with part of you inside it. Using the opportunity to behave in a new and different way can potentially free the stuck energy and you no longer attract that energy into you life going forward.
Energetically, if you use affirmations, talk and act positively and bring that full positive feeling into your body, you will be projecting that feeling inside and outside of yourself. To rebalance your energy those parts you have locked away that do not resonate with that feeling must be acknowledged and forgiven, and allowed to be accepted as part of the whole human that you are. By doing this you release the emotion that held you stuck. You hug the version of yourself inside that was always doing the best it could, with love and compassion not hatred, shame, guilt or anger etc., This allows you to be free and feel the positivity of loving yourself to increase the chances of attracting the love you desire.
So you see words are not enough, the positivity train has left the building, now you know that just saying something will not make it happen. Improving the relationship with yourself and being brave enough to love those parts of yourself you have locked away is the secret to your success. You do not need to spend loads of time ruminating about the past to let it go, but you do need to decide that you deserve to be treated on the inside the way you try to treat others on the outside and that takes guts.
If you feel you are ready to free yourself from the past, and look to a brighter future, then get in touch and I can show you how to reconnect and become your best self once more.